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Cape Town

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Melissa Ferreira

Individual Psychotherapy

Melissa offers guidance and therapeutic services to adults, adolescents and children in the context of learning and development, so as to assist clients in dealing with problems and in facilitating optimal adjustments, growth and maturity at any stage of life.


Melissa provides assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the following psychological concerns:

Cognitive behavioural therapy is most often utilized or integrated in therapy sessions. This type of therapy seeks to identify maladaptive cognition, appraisal, beliefs and reactions with the aim of influencing destructive negative emotions and problematic dysfunctional behaviours. The link between a person's unique core beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours are examined.


Melissa provides assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the following psychological concerns:

An integrated approach to therapy is used with adolescents in order to address individual needs and problems. Therapy may involve behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and gestalt therapy.


Melissa provides assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and management of the following psychological concerns:

An integrated model for therapy with children is utilized, namely the Seqentially Planned Integrative Counselling for Children (SPICC) model. This model includes child-centred therapy, gestalt play therapy, narrative therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and behavioural therapy.   

Melissa Ferreira PS. No. 011 7528 / PR No. 0860030450316 M.Ed (Ed. Psych) (UFS), Hons (B. Ed Psych), PGCE, BA (Psych) (SU) Educational Psychologist